Our goal is to achieve Financial Independence….
Being able to do what you want when you want to do it.
Being able to do what you want when you want to do it.
Financial Independence
Financial Independence is a goal. For most of our clients, this goal is to obtain financial freedom from the requirement of having to work, either now or in the future, in order to earn an income to meet their personal financial budget. Our clients seek professional wealth management to achieve the freedom to do what they want to do when they want to do it.
Investing is a choice, a choice to trade the use of money today so one can maintain or improve their future lifestyle. Investing begins with a goal, a reason, a purpose. At some point, every investor makes a choice, a conscious choice, to leave the workforce and become dependent on the performance and income-producing ability of their investment portfolio.
Successful investing is contingent upon three primary areas: clearly defining the purpose for investing, establishing an achievable time horizon based upon the expected risk-adjusted returns of the investments, and what could be the most important factor – discipline by the investor to adhere to the investment plan.